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COVID-19 Action Fund for Africa donates millions of PPE to Sierra Leone, Mali, Côte d’Ivoire and Liberia for Community Health Workers

The Covid-19 Action Fund for Africa (CAF-Africa) has donated Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to health ministries in Sierra Leone, Liberia, Côte D’Ivoire, and Mali for each nation’s cadre of community health workers (CHWs). CAF-Africa is an action-oriented collaborative of over 30 organizations dedicated to protecting community and frontline health workers … Read More »COVID-19 Action Fund for Africa donates millions of PPE to Sierra Leone, Mali, Côte d’Ivoire and Liberia for Community Health Workers

How COVID-19 Hurts Routine Community Health Services in Malawi, Côte D’Ivoire

The predicted impact of the COVID-19 crisis on African health systems did not come to pass—hospitalization and mortality remain low but the pandemic took away lifesaving treatment and routine care. The lack of personal protective equipment (PPE) in Malawi, and Côte D’Ivoire shut down community health services. Citizens already dealing… Read More »How COVID-19 Hurts Routine Community Health Services in Malawi, Côte D’Ivoire

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