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INFOGRAPHIC: Many Voices, One Goal — First Aggregate the PPE Needs & Mobilize Resources for Africa’s CHWs

The COVID Action Fund for Africa aims to provide 450M pieces of PPE to one million Community Health Workers (CHWs) serving over 400M people during the #COVID19 pandemic — PPE deliveries have already begun! Many hands, One goal! The #COVIDAction Fund for Africa aggregates demand and pools resources to unlock… Read More »INFOGRAPHIC: Many Voices, One Goal — First Aggregate the PPE Needs & Mobilize Resources for Africa’s CHWs

Africa’s toughest battle with Covid-19 is getting enough tests done — Quartz Africa

“The good news for now, is that the impact of the pandemic (in terms of fatalities) is believed to have been tempered by Africa’s relatively young population. But it remains to be seen if that trend will hold up in the event of sharp increases in case numbers, as experts… Read More »Africa’s toughest battle with Covid-19 is getting enough tests done — Quartz Africa

Coalition Launches $100 Million PPE Initiative for Africa’s Community Health Workers

COVID-19 Action Fund for Africa airlifting nine 747 cargo loads of masks and other PPE to 12 countries in first round Largest mobilization of PPE to Africa aims to protect one million community health workers in 24 countries from COVID-19 Coalition seeks to raise up to $100 million to fill… Read More »Coalition Launches $100 Million PPE Initiative for Africa’s Community Health Workers

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